Vita 34 ranks among top ten cord blood banks worldwide
This confirms a study conducted by the BioInformant institute, which specializes in analyses in the stem cell industry. According to the study, cord blood banks have been established meanwhile in all developed countries as well as in many newly industrializing and developing countries. There are about 500 providers of cord blood storage around the world. Vita 34 is the only German stem cell bank to rank among the ten most influential and innovative banks worldwide.
The criteria used for this analysis include among others the size as well as global representation of the company, the innovative capacity of the business model as well as quantity and quality characteristics of the products. It assessed furthermore how efficiently and purposefully marketing measures were established and how clearly the company distinguishes itself from other competitors on the market. To enter the top ten, the companies need to set globally important standards and exert wide influence on the development of umbilical cord blood banks.
We are very happy about this distinction by an independent and renowned institute, as it underlines once again impressively that the line we took is leads to success. We regard it as our responsibility to ensure the broadly based availability of stem cells, so that in the future even more people may benefit from medical progress and the great health potential of stem cells from the umbilical cord.
Link to BioInformant website: