Parents inform parents
Dear parents,
You took the health precaution for your child by setting up a stem cell deposit and have thus shown farsightedness. Give your friends, acquaintances, relatives, or neighbors expecting a child the same chance by recommending Vita 34!
We want even more parents to know about the subject of stem cells from the umbilical cord, so that they can deal with this one-time opportunity to take precautions deliberately. Every single recommendation contributes to one child more having the possibility of resorting to its own stem cells in case of need.
Your recommendation, if it leads to umbilical cord blood actually being stored with Vita 34, is worth 200 Euro: 100 Euro for you and 100 Euro discount on the storage fee for your friends or acquaintances.
You can also opt to donate your thank-you at the amount of 100 Euro to the Deutsche Kinderkrebshilfe (German children’s cancer organization); you just need to say it.
Recommending us is easy:
Call us at 0800 034 00 00 from Monday to Friday between 8 a.m. and 7 p.m. at no extra charge or complete the form beside.